The ergonomic design of our stylish Buddy FootSwitch has been engineered for a wide range of users. The larger surface area and unique curved shape support large or small footwear while minimizing foot movement. In addition, the availability of this FootSwitch in three different pressure levels ensures a proper fit for comfort and minimal stress. The heavy-duty metal and rubber construction ensures stability.
DIMENSIONS: 10.5 × 6 × 2 in
WEIGHT: 2 lb
Product Features
- Programmable multifunction foot switch for hands free operation with ergonomic Design
- USB Plug-and-Play comes with certified detachable A to B USB cable
- Customizable using freely downloadable support utility MyBuddyMic
- Simulates keyboard, mouse to send key strokes, string, mouse clicks to host with even/action architecture
- Simulates joystick to send commands to application running on Windows, Mac or Linux host computer